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Our 21st Anniversary
Some Local Enthusiasts on the day.
Senior Sculpture Winners Craig, Ruby and Heather "The Last American Cowboy"
Runner up Senior Sculpture Ben, Tom and Philip Daly
"The Pyramid of 1984"
Mark, Kieran and Logan Lynch " Amy in the Bed "
Junior Sculpture 1st and joint 3rd Brothers Cian O Maol Tuile and Tighearnan O Maol Tuile
"Sea Serpent" and "The Diggy Dog"
Runner up junior. Sean, Catelyn and Adam "Crocodile"
3rd Prize Ellie Mc Enteggart
"Ball Pit
Family 1st Benjamin & Theo Colgan.
"Arnold the Sea Octopus"
Family Category 2nd place. James and Bernie Mc Mahon "Crocodile"
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